Thursday, July 18, 2013

Break out the pocket books and wallets - Pledge manager OPEN

UPDATE: Robotech® RPG Tactics™ – Pledge Manager – Today!

We have gotten most of the Survey responses back, so Palladium will be sending out invitations to the Robotech® RPG Tactics™ Pledge Manager later TODAY. It is in this step that backers are able to select all the Add-Ons they wanted as well as purchase additional Add-Ons! That’s right, you can purchase as many additional Add-Ons as your heart desires, in any quantity. Watch for your invite!

For your information:

● When we ship to our Kickstarter supporters – ALL Kickstarter items and Add-Ons will be shipped at the same time, but depending on how much you ordered, they may come in more than one box.

● Kickstarter Backers will get these items as soon as they hit the Palladium warehouse this Fall. They will be shipped BEFORE they are shipped to distributors and retailers.

● Only the Box Game and initial wave of retail releases (see the full description elsewhere) will arrive in the actual retail packaging. MANY of the items made available to Kickstarter Backers – like the Monster, Ghost and others – will not be made available on the retail market until a few months down the road. Expansion Packs will be released in waves over time. Our Kickstarter supporters, however, get them right away! That means many of these “advance” Kickstarter items will not come in the retail packaging, but simple bags.

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