Jon Paulson Games has not been given the green light to produce miniatures for the Tabletop Game set in the Robotech Universe. John Paulson of Paulson Games was officially told by Palladium Books ( a license holder for Robotech) that he will not be used for this project. I was informed that this was purely a business decision and has no bearing on the quality and craftsmanship that he provided in the prototype sculpts that he has produced and shown around. Palladium Books currently hold the license that I am attempting to acquire for a rules system and now gaming miniatures.
There are many decisions that are being discussed concerning the future of a Robotech Miniature game currently at Paladium and Harmony Gold. I'm hoping that there is still room for the rules development side of this project within Palladium and I hope we get the blessing fro Harmony Gold. I have had many discussions with Palladium and I'm positive that there is still alot of excitement in seeing this project move forward. I hope that all the parties involved see the great potential to bringing a fantastic Universe like Robotech back to the gaming mainstream. Among the current Robotech RPG fan base at Palladium there has been very good feedback and people really want to see this game made, I just hope that Harmony Gold and Palladium see the potential value from the fans of the Miniature Games that are out there. Recent events with the larger game companies have caused many gamers to look for more cost effective alternate game systems. This game system has the potential to get a big gamer following. Most gamers have heard of or know about Robotech. I know several people who started gaming because of Robotech. I did.
Ok I think I have ranted enough. Should I get the green light in moving this project forward I will need to pursue other avenues in getting miniatures created for the game. I have several ideas on where to go for quality miniatures but we shall see.
In the meantime Check out Jon Paulson's website:
Good luck John, and wish me luck on keeping this project going. So I'm back to waiting...