Friday, November 2, 2012

Get Ready.... It's Coming

From Palladium's new 2012 Catalog

Robotech® RPG Tactics:

Defense of Macross Island (Box Game)

Yes, you read that correctly. Palladium Books is preparing to release a tactical, mass combat game with 1/285th scale game pieces starting with the Macross Saga. To make this game and the game pieces everything Robotech® fans could want, Palladium will be working with a renowned group of developers and
some of the top sculptors in the business. The game and accessory sets of Robotech mecha and spaceships are in development right now, and should see a debut release this summer. We plan to do similar games and 1/285th scale game pieces for each era of Robotech® including The Masters Saga, New Generation and Shadow Chronicles. All to scale. All gorgeous. We will NEED your support to make this expansion of the RPG line and game pieces the masterpieces we want them to be. Please, keep your eyes open for more details and how you can help in January, 2013.

More info As I get it..


Mecha Ace said...

This is great news, I'll look forward to it.

Anonymous said...

"We will NEED your support to make this expansion of the RPG line and game pieces the masterpieces we want them to be. Please, keep your eyes open for more details and how you can help in January, 2013."

Why is it everytime Palladium plans on a new product they have to break out the begger's bowl?

You'd think that after being around for 30 years they could figure out a way to run a business without having to plead and beg their fan base to carry the cost of each print run. Very unprofessional.

 Ashley said...

Couldn't they do a Kick Starter if they need money?

Dan said...

Super excited about this product! I hope it is worthy of Robotech.

Anonymous said...

"Defense of Macross Island"- this name says it all, the guy who ran this blog's facebook page went out of his way to say he wasn't ging to sculpt or support for the Master's era... so why should I expect this to have changed, when the fucking basic game is going to be Macross only. and if this isn't ran on Kickstarter, and is ran via Palladium's in-house "cword-funding" I won't be supporting it, Last year I gave palaldium 500 bucks for Lemuria, and this year I'd do the same for robotech, if it was ran on Kickstarter and Strech goals were added.

Anonymous said...

I really like the way this project is evolving. The idea alone is intriguing, what i would love to see is a game like Dust Tactics from F.F. Games and D. Studios. Where customers can buy base sets and expansion sets primed and ready to play. With the modelers being allowed to paint the pieces if they want to customize their mini`s.Allowing gamer`s to break the pieces of the sprue and start rolling the dice. I love this idea so much i believe in this. Please i hope they do some of this on Kickstarter.

Anonymous said...

Kick ass! Bout freakin time.